NSF Arctic-FROST presents:
NSF Arctic-FROST Annual Network Meeting and Early Career Scholars Workshop
The Arctic-FROST research coordination network is pleased to announce the availability of competitive travel awards for Early Career Researchers to attend The Arctic-FROST network meeting and Early Career Scholars Workshops on Sustainability and Sustainable Development in the Arctic (see News and Annual Meeting tabs).
ICASS VIII Travel Award for U.S. Students and Early Career Researchers: Arctic Sustainabilities and Sustainable Development
The Arctic-FROST research coordination network is pleased to announce the availability of several travel awards for Students and Early Career Researchers to attend International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences in Prince George, BC (May 22-26, 2014).
Eligibility: applicants shall be (1) early career researchers (5 years since PhD) or students (graduate or undergraduate) at a U.S. institution; (2) submit abstract to ICASS and Arctic-FROST before December 17th, 2013; (3) make an oral presentation on the subject related to sustainability and/or sustainable development in the Arctic or Sub-Arctic regions; (4) be accepted to the ICASS VIII sessions co-sponsored by Arctic-FROST (see below). The topical and regional foci of presentation are open. Papers based on the ICASS presentation will be considered for publication in Polar Geography.
Amount: $750 (paid after the travel is completed; based on the reimbursement claim); can be used to defray ICASS travel and registration costs; awardees must comply with NSF travel guidelines.
Definition of Arctic & Sub-Arctic: we use a broad definition.
Deadline: December 17th, 2013
Application: submit extended abstract (500 words), short biosketch (1 page)
Selection criteria: intellectual merit, topic’s fit to the session.
Send your applications and inquiries to Andrey N. Petrov, Arctic-FROST Project Director andrey.petrov@arctic-frost.uni.edu
Arctic-FROST ICASS VIII Sessions:
Arctic Sustainabilities: Meanings and Means (multiple)
Organizer: Andrey N. Petrov, University of Northern Iowa
These sessions invite papers dealing with various aspects of understanding and implementing sustainability and sustainable development in the Arctic. Arctic is both diverse and unique natural and social realm where intertwining environmental, social, economic and cultural processes create a complex palette of interests, discourses, understanding and interpretations of the meanings, purposes and implementations of such broad concepts as sustainability and sustainable development. The paper will try to tackle the question what does sustainable development in the Arctic mean, locally, regionally, and globally?
Sponsors: Arctic-FROST and ReSDA
Arctic Cultural Economies and Sustainable Development
Organizer: Andrey N. Petrov, University of Northern Iowa
Cultural economy is an integral components of the Arctic mixed economic system. However, its structure, geography and role in northern regional economic systems is not well understood. The papers in this session address various issues dealing with cultural economy associated with both traditional and modern cultures. They attempt to provide the description, quantification and evaluation of the place of cultural activities as components of the economic system, shed a new light on Arctic’s cultural capital and improve understanding of their potential role(s) in sustainable development of northern communities.
Sponsors: Arctic-FROST