Community Sustainability in the Arctic:
What sustainability theories and practices work and what fail
in Arctic Communities?
The Arctic-FROST research coordination network is pleased to announce The Third Arctic-FROST network meeting and Early Career Scholars Workshop on Arctic Sustainability in the Global Context in Vienna, Austria (September 9-12, 2016).
Arctic-FROST: Arctic FRontiers Of SusTainability: Resources, Societies, Environments and Development in the Changing North is a new NSF-funded international interdisciplinary collaborative network that teams together environmental and social scientists, local educators and community members from all circumpolar countries to enable and mobilize research on sustainable Arctic development, specifically aimed at improving health, human development and well-being of Arctic communities while conserving ecosystem structures, functions and resources under changing climate conditions
The theme of the Annual Meeting and Early Career Scholars Workshop is Community Sustainability in the Arctic.
Papers deal with (1) community sustainability in the Arctic: definitions, understandings, theories and practices; (2) community-government and community-corporate relationships; (3) community resilience and sustainable development in changing social, political, economic and natural environment; (4) community-based research in sustainability: methods and practices
The main focus question of the conference is “What sustainability theories and practices work and what fail in Arctic Communities?”
At this first meeting the Arctic-FROST casts a wide net and welcomes papers that address one of the following broad categories:
- Sustainable environments
- Sustainable economies
- Sustainable cultures
- Sustainable regions/communities
September 12th Tuesday
2:00 pm Arrival to Narsarsuaq
3:30 pm Departure from Narsarsuaq (boat tour through the fjords)
6:00 pm Arrival to Qaqortoq
6:30 pm Registration and Welcoming Dinner (Hotel Qaqortoq)
September 13th
9:30-11:00 am Steering Committee Meeting [closed]
SC members attending: Petrov (Chair), Graybill, Heleniak, Hirshberg, Huskey, Larsen, Rasmussen, Shiklomanov, Southcott, Vlasova, Crawford (ex officio)
12:00 pm Local field trip and program in Qaqortoq [all participants]
Lead: Rasmus Ole Rasmussen (Municipality of Kujalleq)
6:00 pm Dinner
September 14th
9:00-9:30 am Registration
9:30-10:00 Opening
Chair: Rasmus Ole Rasmussen (Municipality of Kujalleq)
Representatives of the Municipality
Andrey N Petrov (Arctic-FROST PI and President, IASSA)
Ann P. Crawford (administrative announcements)
10:00-10:45 Plenary Session 1.1: Arctic Sustainability Science: Perspectives and Prospects
Chair: Tatiana Vlasova (Institute of Geography, Russia)
Andrey Petrov (University of Northern Iowa, USA)
The State of the Arctic-FROST
Defining Future of Social and Sustainability Sciences in the Arctic: Lessons from Arctic-FROST and Arctic Horizons Projects
10:45-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-1:15 Illustrated paper session 1.2: Community Sustainability in the Arctic: Understanding Challenges, Resilience and Adaptation I
Chair: Jessica Graybill, Colgate University, USA
Chris Southcott (Lakehead University, Canada) Sustainability and Population in the Canadian North
Klaus Georg Hansen (Government of Greenland, Greenland) Aspects of demographic sustainability in Greenland
Timothy Heleniak (Nordregio, Sweden) Viability of remote communities in the Nordic Arctic
Nikolay Shiklomanov (The George Washington University, USA) Impacts of socioeconomic and climatic changes on urban infrastructure in the Russian Arctic
Barbara Johnson (University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA) A New Affordability Indicator for rural Alaskan water utilities
Tatiana Vlasova (Institute of Geography, Russia) Community sustainability monitoring: main approaches
1:15-2:00 pm Lunch
2:00-4:15 Illustrated paper session 1.3: Community Sustainability in the Arctic: Understanding Challenges, Resilience and Adaptation II
Chair/Discussion lead: Nikolay Shiklomanov (The George Washington University, USA)
Joan Nymand Larsen (Stefansson Arctic Institute, Iceland) Arctic Youth and Community Sustainability: Youth indicators and their contributions
Alexandra Yingst (University Center of Westfjords, Iceland) Gender and Quality of Life in the Westfjords of Iceland: A Case Study for Arctic and Subarctic Fishing Communities
Elena Guk (St. Petersburg State University, Russia) Tourism and Recreation System in Norilsk Region: Development, Current State and Modeling
Marco Eimermann (Umea University, Sweden) Lifestyle migration and community sustainability in northern Sweden
Jessica Graybill (Colgate University, USA) Examining (in)capacity for resilience in Teriberka, Russia: Questions, trends, futures
Michael Brady (Rutgers University, USA) Local views of shoreline change risk along Alaska’s northern coastline
Maria Tysiachniouk (Center for Independent Social Research, Russia and Wageningen University, Netherlands) Between Oil Development, nature conservation and traditional way of life in Kaktovik, North Slope of Alaska: is sustainability possible?
4:15-4:45 Coffee break
4:45-7:00 Illustrated paper session 1.4: Community Sustainability in the Arctic: Policies, Strategies and Capacity Building
Chair/Discussion lead: Diane Hirshberg (University of Alaska Anchorage, USA)
Lee Huskey (University of Alaska Anchorage and UNI, USA) Petroleum and Alaska’s North Slope: an Arctic development strategy or another Northern example of the resource curse
Leneisja Jungsberg (Nordrregio, Sweden) Capacity building and strategic management of resource based industries in the Nordic Arctic
Sonja Bickford (University of Nebraska Kearney, USA) Community Sustainability in the Arctic: the role of communication in CSR and SLO practices
Mia Bennett (University of California, Los Angeles, USA) From state-initiated to indigenous-driven infrastructure: The Inuvialuit and Canada’s first highway to the Arctic Ocean
Kristeen McTravish (Trent University, Canada) Public Participation and Sustainability in a Social Planning approach to Community Food Security: Case Study of the Community-Led Food Assessment Process in Nunatsiavut and Nunavut
Julia Olsen (Nord University, Norway) Local adaptive capacity of Solovetsky community in the context of increasing shipping
Rasmus Ole Rasmussen (Municipality of Kujalleq) Building local resilience and sustainability in Kujalleq Municipality, Greenland
7:15 pm Dinner
September 15th
9:30-10:00 am Registration
10-11:00 Plenary Session 1.5: Towards Sustainable Greenland: Past, Present and Future
Chair/Discussion lead: Timothy Heleniak (Nordregio, Sweden)
Klaus Georg Hansen (Government of Greenland) Three hundred years as a colony – analysis of five constitutional changes
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-1:00 pm Plenary Session 1.6: Local Perspectives on Community Sustainable Development in Greenland
Chair/Discussion lead: Joan Nymand Larsen (Stefansson Arctic Institute, Iceland)
Keld Jensen, Naja Lund Nielsen Handling Vulnerable Groups
Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, Camilla Christensen, Poul Halberg Handling the NEET -Not in Employment, Education or Training
Keld Jensen, Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, Jukka Teräs Entrepreneurship, SME development and Smart Specialization
1:00-2:00 Lunch (Group lunch arranged from a nearby restaurant)
2:00-3:30 Plenary Session 1.6: Local Perspectives on Community Sustainable Development in Greenland (Cont.)
30:30-4:00 Coffee break
4:00-6:00 Plenary and wrap up
Summaries from session chairs. Presentation of conference findings and their implications for future research in Arctic social sciences
Chair: Andrey N. Petrov (University of Northern Iowa, USA)
Panelists: Jessica Graybill, Timothy Heleniak, Diane Hirshberg, Joan Nymand Larsen, Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, Nikolay Shiklomanov, Tatiana Vlasova
6:30 pm Dinner
September 16th
Early Career Workshop
9:00 am-4:00 pm Workshop (early career scholars, mentors and panelists – see a separate program)
September 17th
9:00 am-4:00 pm Field trip to Narsaq
We will be visiting the slaughterhouse where sheep and lambs are slaughtered as we are there in the middle of the slaughtering season. The slaughterhouse also do the slaughtering of Musk Oxen and Reindeer for sale in Greenland. We are also considering visiting the training school Inuili where cooks, restaurant personnel are trained and where they also develop new receipts for making use of fish, animals and plants on the Greenland market. Finally may visit the company working on the development of rare earths and uranium mining activities.
September 18th
Stay in Narsarsuaq (field trip to the glacier and Norse village)
During the morning visit across the fiord to the Sheep farming core village and the old Norse settlement. And in the afternoon a visit by boat close to the glacier.
September 19th
Departure from Narsarsuaq to Copenhagen
Arctic-FROST Early Career Scholars Workshop
September 16th, 9:00 am-4:00 pm
2017 Arctic-FROST Fellows: Alexandra Yingst, ICELAND, Barbara Johnson, USA, Elena Guk, RUSSIA, Jula Olsen, NORWAY, Kristeen Mc Travish, CANADA, Leneisja Jungsberg, SWEDEN, Mia Bennett, USA, Michael Brady, USA, Marco Eimermann, SWEDEN, Sonja Bickford, USA
9:00-11:00 am “Authors meet the critics”: Meetings with mentors=paper reviewers (could be done at the conference venue or at other locations as agreed with your mentors)
11:00-12:30 Panel 1: Making a difference together: Working with communities in sustainability research and practice
Moderator: Diane Hirshberg (university of Alaska Anchorage, USA)
Panelists: Chris Southcott, Jessica Graybill, Tatiana Vlasova, Rasmus Ole Rasmussen
Q & A and Discussion
12:30-1:15 pm Lunch
1:15-2:45 Panel 2: Arctic sustainability science as an academic, policymaking and community development career
Moderator: Emily Francis (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and UNI, USA)
Panelists: Lee Huskey (a successful faculty career), Joan Nymand Larsen (policy-relevant academic work in the Arctic Council and beyond), Andrey Petrov (getting funded), Klaus Georg Hansen (career in Government and policymaking), Tim Heleniak (policy advising), Maria Tysiachniouk (Fulbright experiences)
Q & A and Discussion
2:45-4:00 Work in groups & reporting:
Chair: Emily Francis (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and UNI, USA)
Conference highlights (2 pager or 4-5 slides from each)
Q: what are the most important things you learned at this meeting? Further directions? Ideas?