Arctic Sustainability in the Global Context:
What can we learn from or teach the rest of the world??
University of Vienna, Austria
September 9th Friday
2:00-3:00 Steering Committee Meeting [closed]
SC members attending: Petrov (Chair), Fondahl, Hirshberg, Huskey, Larsen, Rasmussen, Shiklomanov, Schweitzer, Southcott, Vlasova, Crawford (ex officio)
3:30 pm Cultural program (local museums, places of interest): meet at Hotel at 3:30 pm
6:00 pm Welcoming Reception & Dinner Cruise on the Danube, Schiffstation Wien/City, Franz Josefs Kai 2, 1010 Vienna
September 10th Saturday
9:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-10:15 Session 1.1 Opening and Introductions
Chair: Peter Schweitzer (University of Vienna, Austria)
Welcome from the University of Vienna
Andrey Petrov (Arctic-FROST PI) Arctic-FROST Milestones
Participant Introductions
10:15-10:45 Plenary Session 1.1: Arctic Sustainability Science: Global Origins, Connections and Challenges
Chair: Tatiana Vlasova (Institute of Geography, Russia)
Andrey Petrov, Peter Schweitzer, Gail Fondahl, and Annika Nillson
Arctic Sustainability Research: Exploring Priorities and Global Connections
10:45-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-1:00 Illustrated paper session 1.2: Setting the Stage: Arctic Voices in Sustainable Development
This session will feature four speakers who will set the tone for further presentation discussions: focus on current issues, achievements and questions related to sustainability research in the Arctic and how it is or can impact global discourses on sustainability and sustainable development
Chair: Annika Nillson (Stockholm Environmental Institute, Sweden)
Rasmus Ole Rasmussen (Nordregio, Sweden/Denmark) Arctic Megatrends in the Context of Global Processes
Chris Southcott (Lakehead University, Canada) Globalization and the Circumpolar North
Gail Fondahl (UNBC, Canada) Northern Sustainabilities: What have we learned?
Joan Nymand Larsen (Stefansson Arctic Institute, Iceland) A Preliminary Framework for Analyzing Arctic Sustainable Economies in a Global Context
Audur Ingolfsdottir (Bifrost University, Iceland): Arctic Voices: The Relevance of Local Stories for a Global Problem
1:00-2:00 Lunch (Group lunch arranged from a nearby restaurant)
2:00-4:00 Illustrated paper session 1.3 Arctic in the Global Context: Changes, Drivers, and Implications for Sustainable Development
Q: What are the major global changes, drivers and processes that impact sustainable development in the Arctic?
(illustrated paper: each panelist gives a short (7-8 mins) presentation: context of the study(s)-results-main conclusion/discussion points [more of a summary/one or two main conclusions related to the theme of the meeting]; overall discussion moderated by the chair follows)
Chair/Discussion lead: Nikolay Shiklomanov (The George Washington University, USA)
Elizabeth J. (Beth) Kerttula (USA) U.S. Ocean Policy and the Arctic
Lee Huskey (University of Alaska Anchorage, USA) Global Connections of Alaska’s Economy: World War I, Frontier Fragility, and Jack London
Barbora Padrova (Masaryk University, Czech Republic) The role of non-Arctic states in the long-term sustainability of the Arctic region
Xia Liping (Tongji University, China) Relations between Sustainable China and Sustainable Arctic
Nengye Liu (University of New England, Australia) China’s Role in the Changing Governance of Arctic Fisheries
Hunter Snyder (Dartmouth College, USA) How autonomous countries within the realm of UN member states would implement the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Small-Scale Fisheries
4:00-4:30 Coffee break
4:30-6:30 Illustrated paper session 1.4: Sustainability Science and the Arctic: Global Contributions to Local Sustainabilities
Q: What are the main linkages between Arctic sustainability research and global sustainability science? What are the key concepts, methodologies and approaches that are reflected in the Arctic sustainability research and where Arctic scholarship makes valuable contributions?
Chair/Discussion lead: Diane Hirshberg (University of Alaska Anchorage, USA)
Marcus Carson (Stockholm Environmental Institute, Sweden) Resilience in the Arctic: Lessons from the Arctic Resilience Report
Annika Nillson (Stockholm Environmental Institute, Sweden) Can mining in the Arctic contribute to sustainable development?
Anastasya Kornilova (Moscow State University, Russia) Social and Environmental responsibility of Russian oil and gas companies in the Arctic region
Doris Carson (Umea University, Sweden) Lifestyle migration to the Arctic: implications for sustainable rural community development
Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen (University of Tromso, Norway) Local Arctic Energy Research in a Global Framework for Sustainable Development: the Case of the UiT Renewable Energy Center and Collaboration with the Energy Studies Institute-National University of Singapore
Tatiana Vlasova, (Institute of Geography, Russia) Socially-oriented Observations in understanding local-global interdependences for achieving Arctic sustainability
8:00 pm Dinner: Restaurant Kardos, Dominikanerbastei 8, 1010 Vienna. Meet at the hotel at 7:15 pm for a short walk to the restaurant.
September 11th Sunday
9:00-11:00 Illustrated paper session 1.5: Arctic Voices in Sustainable Development I: Global Impacts and Local Contexts of Arctic Sustainability Research: What Can Arctic Experiences Teach the World?
Q: What are the main contributions of Arctic sustainability research in the global knowledge base of sustainability science? What are the key concepts, methodologies and approaches that make Arctic sustainability research relevant and pioneering in the global debate?
Chair/Discussion lead: Joan Nymand Larsen (Stefansson Arctic Institute, Iceland)
Jim Powell (University of Alaska Southeast, USA) How three social determinants suggest adaptive capacity of the Kenai River Fisheries in Alaska
Katie Burkhart, Maxwell C. McGrath‐Horn and Natalie Unterstell (Tufts and Harvard Universities, USA) Comparison of Pan-Arctic and Amazon Basin Regional Governance Mechanisms
Camille Escudé (Sciences Po Paris Doctoral School, France) Evaluation of the Arctic Council’s role in sustainable development norm-making in the Arctic: “the strength of weak ties”
Chris Southcott (Lakehead University, Canada) ReSDA Update: ReSDA Findings in the Global Context
Nathan Cohen-Furnier (Tufts University, USA) Local economic development in Nunavik
Vera Kuklina (V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Russia) Resource extraction and infrastructural networks in the North of Irkutskaia oblast
Ryan Bergstrom (University of Minnesota-Duluth, USA) Mining for Truth: Conceptualizing Precious Metal Mining in Northern Minnesota
Andrey N. Petrov (ARCTICenter, USA) From “The North” to North Dakota: Artic Lessons in Sustainable Development North Dakotans Wished They New
11:00-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-1:15 Illustrated paper session 1.6: Arctic Voices in Sustainable Development II: Global Impacts and Local Contexts of Arctic Sustainability Research: What Can Arctic Experiences Teach the World?
Q: What are the main contributions of Arctic sustainability research in the global knowledge base of sustainability science? What are the key concepts, methodologies and approaches that make Arctic sustainability research relevant and pioneering in the global debate?
Chair/Discussion lead: Gail Fondahl (UNBC, Canada)
Davin Holen (University of Alaska Fairbanks, USA) Climate Change Adaptation in Alaska: “I have a great anxiety for the future of my children.”
Joella Hogan (Na-Cho Nyäk Dun First Nation Self-Government, Canada), Susanna Gartler, Gertrude Saxinger, (University of Vienna, Austria) Living Culture, Learning Skills, Telling our Stories: The case of the Na Cho Nyak Dun Cultural Center in global movements for cultural sustainability
Anna Varfolomeeva (Central European University, Hungary) The Discourses on Stone working and Sustainability in Two Mining Regions of Russia
Herminia Din (University of Alaska Anchorage, USA) Creative Practices of Sustainable Art in the Arctic
Jennifer Jones (University of Guelph, Canada) Researchers as Actors: Consideration of the role of research in creating sustainable Arctic communities
Amanda Boyd (Washington State University, USA) Communicating about Environmental Health Risks in the Arctic
1:15-2:15 Lunch (Group lunch arranged from a nearby restaurant)
2:15-2:45 Alexander Zolotarev (Skoltech/MSU, Russia) Arctic-COAST Knowledge Sharing Portal for Arctic sustainability research
2:45-4:00 Discussion in groups
Answers to the conference questions from each session. Each group is led by session chair. Produce summary 1-2 pager and 4-5 slides
Moderators: Gertrude Saxinger (University of Vienna, Austria) and Andrey N. Petrov (ARCTICenter, USA)
4:00-4:30 Coffee break
4:30-6:30 Plenary and wrap up/Arctic Horizons discussion
Presentation of conference findings and their implications for future research in Arctic social sciences
Chair: Peter Schweitzer (University of Vienna, Austria)
Panelists: Annika Nillson, Gail Fondahl, Joan Nymand Larsen, Gertrude Saxinger, Nikolay Shiklomanov, Andrey N. Petrov, Diane Hirshberg
8:00 pm Dinner: Heuriger Wieninger, Stammersdorfer Straße 78, 1210 Vienna, depart from the hotel by bus at 7:30
Arctic-FROST Early Career Scholars Workshop
September 12th, 9:00 am-3:30 pm
Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie
NIG, Universitätsstraße 7, 4th floor, 1010 Vienna
2016 Arctic-FROST Fellows: Amanda Boyd (USA), Anastasya Kornilova (Russia), Anna Varfolomeeva (Hungary), Audur Ingolfdottir (Iceland), Barbara Padrtova (Czech Republic), Camille Escude (France), Davin Holen (USA), Hunter Snyder (USA), Jennifer Jones (Canada), Kathie Burkhart (USA), Max McGrath-Horn (USA), Nathan Cohen-Fournier (USA), Susanna Gartler (Austria).
9:00-10:30 am “Authors meet the critics”: Meetings with mentors=paper reviewers (could be done at the conference venue or at other locations as agreed with your mentors)
10:45-12:00 Panel 1: Making a difference: Knowledge communication in sustainability science in the Arctic and around the world
Moderator: Alexander Zolotarev
Panelists: Chris Southcott, Annika Nilsson, Marcus Carson, Jim Powell, Enrico Wensing, Xia Liping
Q & A and Discussion
12:00-12:45 Lunch
12:45-2:00 Panel 2: Arctic sustainability science as a career in and outside the Arctic region
Moderator: Emily Francis
Panelists: Andrey Petrov and Jessica Graybill (getting funded and publishing), Nengye Liu (post-PhD career management), Lee Huskey (a successful faculty career), Gertrude Saxinger (building academic career/doing research on Arctic in non-Arctic states), Tatiana Vlasova and Xia Liping (international collaboration)
This panel will focus on professional development and opportunities for early career scholars
Q & A and Discussion
2:00-3:30 Work in groups & reporting:
Conference highlights (2 pager or 4-5 slides from each)
Q: what are the most important things you learned at this meeting? Further directions? Ideas?